Beautiful, depraved

Intimacy. Debauchery. Irreverence.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Stumbling into you
All the marks I left on your body
I would have remain
As evidence, proof
Until I could make them again
I wanted to take your jacket, your scent
With me
To remember the dream
To keep it close to me
To let it sleep between my thighs, wrapped, woven
Transfusing you into my blood
I want to decode your tattoo
Unravel your jacket thread by thread
Unravel myself and each thread
Gently wrap around you to forge a bed
A hand on my stomach
Your tongue dragging from one hip to my other hip
Entering me, opening me further softer wiser wilder
You fit me
I reach across the earth to touch you
Meet me


By your eyes
By your voice
By your smile
By your mouth
By your soul

Track: Haunted…When the Minutes Drag
Artist: Love and Rockets
Album: Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Film fetish 2005

The discovery of a new film, the feeling of being submersed in it, is a spiritual experience for me. I rarely sit still - watching a great movie is one of the few things that actually enables me to do so. Therefore, I relish finding gems of the genre that suspend disbelief and lead me into another realm, oh so willingly.

I welcome any suggestions for the list.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I am not normally a fan of Robert Downey Jr. nor Val Kilmer but this movie changed all that. Very distinctive, quirky and human characters. That sentence itself pretty much sums up what I look for in a film, since all on this list have that qualifier. It was billed as a thriller in my hotel. Perhaps comedy/thriller if such a genre exists. I guess it does - Guy Ritchie has pulled it off a couple of times.

Me, You and Everyone We Know. Independent film written and directed by Miranda July, who also stars. Highlights the awkward, fumbling moments of attraction with such compelling honesty. Encapsulates two of my favorite themes: love and humor.

The Aristocrats. Once I got over the initial shock at hearing so many naughty things done in entirely new and unheard of ways, it has to be the most gut laugh inducing film I saw all year. A totally visceral experience of humor - the kind when you're with a friend and he/she is laughing so hard that you start laughing at their laughing.

Walk the Line. Only for the last scene. Whilst decent enough, the only scene that was for me, over the top brilliant, and worth watching the entire film for, was the last scene - letting love in.

It's All Gone Pete Tong. Maybe it's nostalgia for my coming of age days. Or my love for a fantastic soundtrack. The storyline and theme are amazing though: drug-addled, madcap, brilliant d.j. goes deaf and downward spirals. He eventually finds his will to live again, finds love and returns to create incredible music and become the world's first deaf d.j. How can that be? You'll have to watch the movie. Surprisingly uplifting.

My DVD television discoveries. I don't have cable, so I'm somewhat out of the T.V. land loop. I was turned on to both 24 and Arrested Development this year and went back to devour all the previous seasons. Two totally different genres, both of them fantastically engaging.