Beautiful, depraved

Intimacy. Debauchery. Irreverence.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I’ve been wondering from what perspective to write this blog. From a place of distance, dispensing information? Then I was thinking, that all I’m really craving, all I think anyone’s really craving, is intimacy. Something real and honest and raw.

I want to feel closer to you, not further apart.

So that would mean, I’d write from a place of vulnerability. Everyone wants a moment that will shake them up. A moment when you realize that you can change your world, you are poised on the edge of something important, something risky. So that is what I hope to offer you. Moments that will shake you up so that the universe opens itself to you, just a crack, as I do, and suddenly in the revelation, we’re not so alone anymore.

Soundtrack: "Looking for someone to trust/
Without a fight"

Artist: Joseph Arthur
Album: Redemption's Son
Track: Honey and the Moon (via


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